UFO Book Coming Soon

Aaron Judkins and I are co-authoring a new book titled, “Decption: Exploring the UFO, Evolution and Nephilim Connection. We are almost ready to publish and for those of you who are interested in such things, this ought to be good. This book cuts through the fakes and the tendency toward the sensational to pull back the curtain and reveal what is really going on. The book includes a touch of Bible prophecy, a bit of history concerning the world-wide deception, and a Bible-based belief that what people are encountering is not aliens from another galaxy in outer space. These are not the “gods” that long ago created the world and neither are they our “sky-brothers” as some postulate. What is being perpetrated is a world-wide delusion that will reach its zenith in the “last days,” at the time of the LORD’S day of wrath. It is truly a study of a different kind. We’ll keep you posted as to when this book is available.

New Book on Heaven is Right Around the Corner

This is an update to let you know that our new book on Heaven is in its final stages. I am very excited about this book as I think it will be a great tool to introduce people to sonship. Just to whet your appetite, some of the chapter titles are: Judging Angels in Eternity, The Things You Will Take with You When You Die, The Creature, and The Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. In our video studies, Rightly Dividing the Word has always been our #1 study. But I expect that this study on Heaven is going to give it a “run for its money.” We’ll see. But I am very enthusiastic about getting this information out there. As soon as it is available, we will let everyone know.

New Videos are Out on MBI Website!

The MBI website (www.graceage.org) now has videos for our studies on Justification and Sanctificaiton and the first 20 sessions of Sonship Orientation. We have changed the software which has solved the buffering problems of the past. Also, there is a mobile app, so you can download the Mp3 or Mp4 files to your phone or other mobile device. I was looking at this on Tuesday night and the videos look great. Thanks Wayne! To view or download them, just go to the website and click the “teaching” tab. You will be offered a choice of audio or video. Best of all, it’s free! Soon, we will have sessions 21-40 on Sonship Orientation up on the site too. And within the next couple of months we should have sessions 41-60. It seems that more and more folks around the world are following along and now they will be able to see the power points and the graphics on the whiteboard. As you know, all of these are available on DVD from Millennium Bible Institute – PO BOX 305 – Imperial, TX 79743 or call us at (888) 605-3202 or (432) 242-6000. The cost of Justification (44 sessions on 22 DVDs is $132 plus shipping. Sanctification (46 sessions on 23 DVDs is $138 plus shipping. Sonship Orientation comes in sets of 20 sessions (10 DVDs) in each set at a cost of $60 plus shipping per set.

The Heavenly Places, Part 2, Now Available

We have completed the first 4 sessions of the Heavenly Places video series on DVD.  The first 4 sessions include: “Misconceptions About Heaven” and “A Sightseeing Tour Through the Universe”.  The second 4 sessions of the Heavenly Places DVD series is also now available.  These 4 sessions focus on “Fundamental Issues concerning the Heavens” and “The Structure of the Heavens.”  If you are interested in ordering you can write us at: Bare Bones Production  P.O. Box 305   Imperial, TX  79743, or call us at (432) 536-2423 or email us at barebonesproduction@gmail.com.  The cost of the studies are $12 per case, plus shipping.  Each case contains 2 DVDs with 2 sessions on each disk.  That’s only $3 per session!  What a deal!  Presently only the first 2 parts are available with more parts being added each month.  Visit our blog again soon to see what else is available.

New Book – Rightly Dividing the Word – Arrives This Week

We just received word from the publisher that our new book on Rightly Dividing the Word has shipped. This book not only contains everything in the DVD study, but 2 new chapters were added to the original 8, making the new book 10 chapters. The price of the book is $18:50. It can be ordered by emailing us at: MBI PO BOX 305 Imperial, TX 79743 or by emailing us at mbipresident@windstream.net or by calling (888) 605-3202. By next week, you will be able to order the book online on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or directly from the publisher. Chapter titles include: 1) Apparent Contradictions 2) Two Distinct and Separate Programs 3) Paul’s Unique Apostleship 4) Distinguishing the Audiences 5) The Earthly Ministry of Jesus 6) Discerning the Gospels 7) Discerning the Doctrines 8) The Extension of Mercy 9) The Suspension of Israel’s Program 10) Bringing It All Together
We are very excited about finally getting this into print. If you have ever wanted to introduce someone to the doctrine of Right Division, this would make a perfect gift.

MBI’s School of Archeology goes to Florida Creation Conference

MBI has been invited to participate in a creation conference this fall.  Eric Hovind (son of Kent Hovind) who is the founder of Creation Today, has invited us to put up a booth at their “Proof of God” Conference on October 12-13.  It will be held in Orlando, Florida.  At present, Aaron Judkins (our professor and author of MBI’s archeology course) and I are making plans to attend and set up a booth, making our School of Archeology known by some of the biggest names in the Creation world.  Having never done this before, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how to best carry this out, we would appreciate your input.  We already feel like we are behind, as we have to get “up to speed” on how to put a proper display together and then get it all done.  But what an opportunity for MBI to be known on a larger stage, which gives us the ability to reach more people than ever!  After all, people cannot access what they do not know exists.


New Bare Bones Study on Heaven

The newest Bare Bones Bible study is entitled The Heavenly Places.  While Christians are adamant about going to heaven when they die, it turns out that most know very little of what heaven is actually like and even less about what they will be doing there.  The idea that your “heavenly hammock” is set up so you can engage in your eternal retirement program is NOT an accurate understanding of what you will be doing.  And since you will be doing it forever, doesn’t it make you a little curious to know what it will be like?  This study begins by de-bunking the standard misconceptions about heaven and begins to pull back the curtain to show you that every believer in Jesus Christ is being made an offer by their heavenly Father.  An offer than can be accepted or not, but if accepted, holds out the most exciting prospect for eternity that is beyond your wildest dreams.  For now, all orders are either by phone (432) 536-2434 or by mail: Bare Bones Production   PO BOX 305   Imperial, TX  79743.  The first 4 sessions (2, 2-hr DVDs) of The Heavenly Places is $12.00 plus shipping ($3.99).