MBI’s School of Archeology goes to Florida Creation Conference

MBI has been invited to participate in a creation conference this fall.  Eric Hovind (son of Kent Hovind) who is the founder of Creation Today, has invited us to put up a booth at their “Proof of God” Conference on October 12-13.  It will be held in Orlando, Florida.  At present, Aaron Judkins (our professor and author of MBI’s archeology course) and I are making plans to attend and set up a booth, making our School of Archeology known by some of the biggest names in the Creation world.  Having never done this before, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how to best carry this out, we would appreciate your input.  We already feel like we are behind, as we have to get “up to speed” on how to put a proper display together and then get it all done.  But what an opportunity for MBI to be known on a larger stage, which gives us the ability to reach more people than ever!  After all, people cannot access what they do not know exists.


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