New Bare Bones Study on Heaven

The newest Bare Bones Bible study is entitled The Heavenly Places.  While Christians are adamant about going to heaven when they die, it turns out that most know very little of what heaven is actually like and even less about what they will be doing there.  The idea that your “heavenly hammock” is set up so you can engage in your eternal retirement program is NOT an accurate understanding of what you will be doing.  And since you will be doing it forever, doesn’t it make you a little curious to know what it will be like?  This study begins by de-bunking the standard misconceptions about heaven and begins to pull back the curtain to show you that every believer in Jesus Christ is being made an offer by their heavenly Father.  An offer than can be accepted or not, but if accepted, holds out the most exciting prospect for eternity that is beyond your wildest dreams.  For now, all orders are either by phone (432) 536-2434 or by mail: Bare Bones Production   PO BOX 305   Imperial, TX  79743.  The first 4 sessions (2, 2-hr DVDs) of The Heavenly Places is $12.00 plus shipping ($3.99).

2 thoughts on “New Bare Bones Study on Heaven

  1. Right Rick, then what? We most certainly have a lot to do while here in these mortal bodies, waiting for our new bodies to work with our Father in the heavenly places. ( In the creature) Needless to say, I’m so excited about this curriculum that I’ve waited my lifetime to hear.
    I knew there was a lot we didn’t know, and I was disillusioned with church, and 45 minutes of music, 15 minutes of talking.
    No more folks, this is what we’ll be doing for all eternity, get ready for the journey.

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